The Badger Herald, Audrey Thibert:
According to the Campus Vote Project website, young adults vote at lower rates than older cohorts, but will be the largest share of eligible voters in 2020.
The Institute for Democracy and Higher Education created an action guide for Addressing Non-Statutory Barriers to College Student Voting.
Some barriers listed in the guide include physically inconvenient voter locations, poll watchers in precincts near campuses challenging student voter eligibility or publishing misleading information about consequences of registering to vote near campus rather than a home town.
According to Dresang, some of these barriers may be successful in deterring students.
“I have my fingers crossed that students are smart enough to see through all of this. Someone might get overwhelmed with all of the details and decide to pass on voting,” Dresang said. “That would be rewarding to people who are discouraging people from voting.”
Read the full article here.