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LMC named a 'voter friendly' campus

Campus Vote Project

BENTON HARBOR — Lake Michigan College has been named a Voter Friendly Campus by the national, nonpartisan organizations Fair Elections Center's Campus Vote Project and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA).

LMC is one of 258 campuses in 38 states, and the District of Columbia recognized for planning and implementing practices encouraging students to register and vote in the 2022 elections and coming years.

"Being recognized as a Voter Friendly Campus for four consecutive years is a testament to the commitment LMC has for civic engagement," said LMC Political Science Faculty member Tiffany Bohm, who helped spearhead the effort. "Students from across campus and disciplines get involved in educating and mobilizing their peer group. We also work collaboratively with our community organizations like the League of Women Voters of Berrien and Cass Counties, American Association of University Women and Voters Not Politicians on nonpartisan issues."


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