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Mobilizing the Community College Student Vote

Campus Vote Project

Grantee Spotlight

Democracy Desk

Mobilizing the Community College Student Vote

April is Community College Month, a time to recognize the important role community colleges play in higher education. To mark the occasion, we are spotlighting two of our grantees that are supporting student voters in those institutions. Getting out the vote in these two-year institutions can be tricky because many students are trying to juggle school, work, and family responsibilities. Two of our grantees, Campus Vote Project and Students Learn Students Vote, are working tirelessly to spur voter engagement and facilitate greater access for all students, particularly those at community colleges, where student paths can be much different, less traditional, and with fewer resources than their four-year university counterparts.

Campus Vote Project works with universities, community colleges, faculty, students and election officials to reduce barriers to student voting, and empowers students with accurate and nonpartisan information to register and vote. They work with more than 280 colleges and universities across 41 states, including in the Great Lakes region, impacting more than 3 million students. The Students Learn Students Vote Coalition is the national hub and largest nonpartisan network in the nation dedicated to increasing college student voter participation, providing training and toolkits for students and campus administrators to build voter engagement into everyday campus activities.


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