By Bethany Kreklow, Campus Vote Project Wisconsin Democracy Fellow
Valentine’s Day is a holiday dedicated to showing love to others. This love can be shown to a partner, friends, or family. Celebrating Valentine’s Day typically means intentionally acting to show care to those closest to us. I believe that voting is a way to express love for one’s community and country. When you cast a ballot, you use your voice to act on your beliefs.
Throughout my four years as an undergraduate student, I have continually worked to encourage students to vote. What started as an activity that I did on campus for our local voting center grew into my connecting with Campus Vote Project. Civic engagement work has led me to meet so many people on my campus and express my love for the community. Helping people navigate the path to the polls allows me to spread community. As I share with people, voting allows you to act for your community and for your values intentionally. Elections are a way for you to advocate for changes in your community or to agree to keep things the same.
Voting in elections can be something that you make a tradition out of. Elections typically occur a few times a year, and you can make plans to vote at the same time as family or friends to encourage them to vote as well. When people vote in their communities, they are telling candidates and elected officials what they value and what rights they want protected. This effect is most prominent at the local level of government. Local elections occur multiple times a year and are a wonderful way to support friends and neighbors while having your voice heard.
I am currently taking a political thought class where we are studying the American Constitution. Something that I find continually reinforced throughout the document is the right for us to vote on candidates that we want to represent us. When people talk about the “American Dream”, I believe that this is partially what they are talking about. We get to choose who we want to represent us and what values we want to be upheld.
Choosing the leaders of our country, whether it be for a local school board representative or the next president, is a great way to spread love this Valentine’s Day!