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UAH designated voter friendly campus


WHNT (CBS 19), Staff report:

"HUNTSVILLE, Ala.- UAH has been designated a voter friendly campus! Hundreds of students registered to vote and many attended educational events, like watching the Presidential debate. Students also set up tables around campus with voting resources.

After two years of hard work, the Chargers have been recognized as a voter friendly campus.

The Voter Friendly Campus designation program was started through the partnership of Campus Vote Project and NASPA in 2016. The goal of the program is to help institutions develop plans to coordinate administrators, faculty, and student organizations in civic and electoral engagement.

The program also helps administrators develop a strategy to engage students and set clear goals so a path can be created in advance of upcoming elections. These activities can be institutionalized for years to come, keeping students engaged as they enter, and move through their time at school."

Read the full article HERE.


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