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UW-Parkside awarded 2022 All In Highly Established Action Plan Seal

Campus Vote Project

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The All In Campus Democracy Challenge announced that the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in Somers has been awarded a Highly Established Action Plan Seal.

This seal is awarded to campuses that have worked to increase nonpartisan democratic engagement and graduate engaged voters by building a strong nonpartisan action plan.

ALL IN and the American Democracy Project, Campus Vote Project, NASPA Lead Initiative and the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition created the Strengthening American Democracy Guide to help guide campuses on their journey to graduate democratically engaged students by building effective action plans.

In 2019, a rubric based on the guide was released to allow campuses to self-assess the strength of their action plan.

“UW-Parkside is proud to receive this recognition for our nonpartisan democratic engagement plan," said Rob Ducoffe, provost and vice chancellor for academic and student affairs. "It is the duty of a campus to prepare our students not only for the workforce, but also as critically-thinking, engaged citizens. During the college years, we hope to develop students’ awareness of voting and promote their civic action."


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