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Want To Fight For Voting Access? Sign Up To Be A Poll Worker


Elite Daily, Maya Patel:

Election Day 2020 is right around the corner. But this year’s presidential race comes with a lot of uncertainties, including whether it’s safe to vote in person during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the best way to ensure your vote is counted. That’s part of why Maya Patel is fighting for voting access as a poll worker.

Patel, 21, is the Texas state coordinator for Fair Election Center's Campus Vote Project and served as a poll worker in the March 2020 primaries. She plans to serve as a poll monitor in the November 2020 election. She spoke to Elite Daily News Editor Lilli Petersen about fighting for voting rights, why it’s so important for young people to sign up to be poll workers, and what young voters should know about their power to create change.

Read the full article here.


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