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Yara Shahidi to Hold Voting Plans Discussion With Her Peers: "We Are in This Space Together"

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

Pop Sugar, Karenna Meredith:

"Remember, we can turn to our network of peers, family, teachers, and resource materials for support. Take the opportunity to have conversations with your friends about their voting plans, and encourage everyone you know to vote. Stay motivated, and let's get to the polls!"

On Oct. 7 at 12 p.m. ET, Shahidi will participate in a discussion produced by The Andrew Goodman Foundation, Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition, Campus Vote Project, NAACP, and APIAVote, as part of Voter Education Week. She's been a vocal advocate for voting since before she was old enough to participate, and she understands that this process can be a daunting one. Get a preview of her conversation with her peers in the clip above, and make sure to tune into the discussion on her IGTV this afternoon.

Read the full article here.


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